33 years Butoh Center MAMU
The Butoh Center MAMU exists for 33 years now. In 1990 Kazuo Ohno, the great Butoh master, came to Göttingen for the first time, to give a workshop and to perform his solo pieces DEAD SEA and KA CHO FU GETSU. Kazuo Ohne stated that it would be extremely important if we gave Butoh dance a location in Germany, to give Butoh dance a home in Europe. He encouraged us to open a studio and also organize festivals. In 1992 the time had come: we opened the Butoh Center MAMU and the first International Festival Butoh & Jazz took place. Eight more festivals were to follow, and we can proudly say that almost all of the famous and important representatives of Butoh dance performed here in Göttingen.
The Butoh Center MAMU is a unique institution. Here Tadashi Endo gives workshops, master classes and 10-day intensive workshops. Here he rehearses for the dance theater pieces with his company, the MAMU DANCE THEATRE. Many dancers come to Göttingen to learn something about Butoh dance but also about Butoh philosophy. We often invite Butoh dancers to teach.
The Butoh Center MAMU has an extensive video collection of performances by all Butoh dancers and a library in which you can find almost all published books on the subject of Butoh.
Das Butoh Centrum MAMU existiert nun schon seit 33 Jahren. 1990 als Kazuo Ohno, der große Butoh-Meister, zum ersten Mal nach Göttingen kam, einen Workshop gab und seine Solostücke DEAD SEA und KA CHO FU GETSU tanzte, sagte er, dass es doch ausserordentlich wichtig wäre, wenn wir hier dem Butoh Tanz eine Heimat in Europa geben, ein Studio eröffnen und Festivals organisieren würden. 1992 war es dann soweit, wir eröffneten das Butoh Centrum MAMU und das erste Internationale Festival Butoh & Jazz fand statt. Acht weitere Festivals sollten folgen, und wir können mit Stolz sagen, dass fast alle berühmten und wichtigen VertreterInnen des Butoh Tanzes hier in Göttingen aufgetreten sind.
Das Butoh Centrum MAMU ist eine einmalige Institution. Hier gibt Tadashi Endo Workshops, Master Classes und 10-tägige Intense Workshops. Hier probt er für die Tanztheaterstücke mit seiner Company, dem MAMU DANCE THEATRE. Viele TänzerInnen kommen nach Göttingen, um hier etwas über den Butoh-Tanz aber auch über die Butoh Philosophie zu erfahren bzw. zu lernen. Häufig laden wir auch Butoh-TänzerInnen ein, um zu unterrichten.
Das Butoh Centrum MAMU besitzt eine umfangreiche Videosammlung von Aufführungen aller Butoh TänzerInnen und eine Bibliothek, in der man fast alle erschienenen Bücher zum Thema Butoh finden kann.
Congress of Butoh Souls at Sotheby’s Maison, Hong Kong
A 4- day festival ( Tue 14 - Frid 17January 2025)
If art is a casualty of war, then Butoh would have been the spark, which flickers and glows, creating the movement of new life, rose from the ruins of the spirit of avant-garde and forever refusing to fade into oblivion.
Over 4 days in January 2025, Hong Kong will witness an unprecedented congress of butoh dancing at the new Sotheby’s Maison, an initiative and partnership between Nicolas Chow, chairman at Sotheby’s, the Xevarion Institute and Dr. Damien Charrieras at SCM.
We are delighted to have legendary Butoh dancers Tadashi Endo, Ima Tenko, Yasuo Fukurozaka, Masami Yurabe with Miwako Inagaki, Yuri Nagaoka and Seisaku to participate in this festival.
A comprehensive exhibition at the Catalyst gallery and the Sotheby’s Grotto will take place during the festival period, with historical artefacts, photographic, cinematographic and sculptural remnants / memento mori displayed to the Hong Kong public for the first time, in association with the Hijikata Tatsumi Archive at the Keio University (Tokyo), curated by Takashi Morishita. The festival will kick off at the School of Creative Media (CityU HK) where films screenings of significant archival materials will accompany the artists’ seminar.
Congress of Butoh Souls at Sotheby’s absorbs the artificial lights that defines this city, through the movements of this collection of renowned dancers, reflects and projects to us Hong Kong’s own history of busy forgetting, but not forgotten, beauty and aspirations.
HA DÔ at the 10th Theatre Olympics in Budapest, Hungary
Tadashi Endo and Yvette Bozsik Company are presenting Ha DÔ at the 10th Theatre Olympics.
Tadashi Endo has presented his work HA DÔ in Hungary in 2019, after Brazil and Germany, performed by the then 25 year old Yvette Bozsik Company. Their joint premiere was the result of three years of collaboration between Tadashi Endo and the Yvette Bozsik Company, after butoh workshops in Budapest.
Click here to go to the 10th Theatre Olympics website or click here to go to the inviting theatre (National Dance Theatre of Hungary, Budapest).
SASAYAKI (FROM A WHISPER TO CRY) - A Butoh dance theatre created by Tadashi Endo
Director: Tadashi Endo
Dancers: Tadashi Endo and three international dancers.
SASAYAKI means whisper.
With this piece women’s life in difficult situations like war, pandemic, fear, and isolation should be represented in dance.
The earth wispered
but you did not hear. The earth spoke
but you did not listen. The earth screamed
but you turned her off. And so I was born.
I was not born to punish you I was born to awaken you. The earth cried for help...


Friday, Jan. 07, 2022 at 08:00 p.m.
Saturday, Jan. 08, 2022 at 08:00 p.m.
Sunday, Jan. 09, 2022 at 08:00 p.m.
Venue: JUNGES THEATER GÖTTINGEN, Bürgerstraße 15, 37073 Göttingen
Email: kasse@junges-theater.de
Tel.: +49 (0)551 49501-5

HAUTNAH performance with Tadashi Endo and Marigia Maggipinto and particitpants of the workshop
Saturday, Dec. 11, 2021 at 08:00 p.m.
Butoh Centrum MAMU, Geismar Landstr. 95 , 37083 Göttingen
Supported by Landschaftsverband Südniedersachsen e.V.
Intense-Butoh-Workshop 3.-12. DECEMBER with Tadashi Endo and Marigia Maggipinto
Intense Butoh workshop with Tadashi Endo and Marigia Maggipinto
Start Friday, Dec. 03, 2021
End Sunday Dec. 12, 2021
Finish this year with a nice experience in dance, especially butoh dance in combination with dance theatre from Pina Bausch! Tadashi chose this combination because Kazuo Ohno and Pina Bausch were good friends and due to Kazuo Ohno we got to know Pina personally. This December workshop is dedicated to these two amazing artists and our beloved friends and teachers Kazuo Ohno and Pina Bausch. We are happy to inform you that Ms. Marigia Maggipinto, who was a member of Pina's Tanztheater Wuppertal for 9 years, will be our guest teacher in December.Please register in time, but the number of participants is limited!!
Saturday, Dec. 11, 2021 at 08:00 p.m. performance HAUTNAH with Tadashi Endo, Marigia Maggipinto and participants of the workshop.
Butoh Centrum MAMU, Geismar Landser. 95, 37083 Göttingen
(please book tickets via phone: 0551-7906245 because the number of audience is limited.)
Supported by Landschaftsverband Südniedersachsen e.V.
HAUTNAH performance with Tadashi Endo and Günter „Baby“ Sommer (perc)
Saturday, Nov. 13, 2021 at 08:00p.m.
Butoh Centrum MAMU, Geismar Landstr. 95 , 37083 Göttingen
Supported by Landschaftsverband Südniedersachsen e.V.
Weekend-Workshop 12.-14. NOVEMBER with Tadashi Endo and Günter „Baby“ Sommer (perc)
weekend workshop with Tadashi Endo and Günter „Baby“ Sommer (perc)
Start Friday, Nov. 12
End Sunday Nov. 14
Günter Baby Sommer is one of the master musicians of contemporary European jazz. He belongs to the circle of extraordinary drummers that developed throughout the improvised music scene a highly individual playing and built up an unmistakable?
Born in Dresden in 1943, Sommer studied at the Hochschule für Musik „Carl Maria von Weber“. Then his musical contributions the most important jazz groups of the GDR like the Ernst-Ludwig-Petrowksy-Trio, Zentralquartett and the Ulrich Gumpert Workshopband made it possible for him to get involved in the international scene. Thus, Sommer not only worked in trio with Wadada Leo Smith and Peter Kowald but took part in fascinating meetings with Peter Brötzmann, Fred van Hove, Alexander von Schlippenbach, Evan Parker and Cecil Taylor. His solowork enabled him for intense collaborations with writers as Günter Grass.
Sommer’s discography comprises around 100 records. As a professor at the Hochschule für Musik Dresden he has an influence on the professional imparting of the contemporary jazz to the next generations.
Butoh Centrum MAMU, Geismar Landstr. 95, 37083 Göttingen
Supported by Landschaftsverband Südniedersachsen e.V.
Tadashi Endo interviewed on television cultural channel Itaú Cultural.
2 Interview with Tadashi Endo and television cultural channel Itaú Cultural (Márcia Abos) in Brazil during Tadashi’s tour in 2019.