33 years Butoh Center MAMU

The Butoh Center MAMU exists for 33 years now. In 1990 Kazuo Ohno, the great Butoh master, came to…

Congress of Butoh Souls at Sotheby’s Maison, Hong Kong

A 4- day festival ( Tue 14 - Frid 17January 2025) If art is a casualty of war, then Butoh would…

HA DÔ at the 10th Theatre Olympics in Budapest, Hungary

Tadashi Endo and Yvette Bozsik Company are presenting Ha DÔ at the 10th Theatre Olympics. Tadashi…

SASAYAKI (FROM A WHISPER TO CRY) - A Butoh dance theatre created by Tadashi Endo

SASAYAKI (FROM WHISPER TO CRY) Director: Tadashi Endo Dancers: Tadashi Endo and three…

HAUTNAH performance with Tadashi Endo and Marigia Maggipinto and particitpants of the workshop

Saturday, Dec. 11, 2021 at 08:00 p.m. Butoh Centrum MAMU, Geismar Landstr. 95 , 37083…

Intense-Butoh-Workshop 3.-12. DECEMBER with Tadashi Endo and Marigia Maggipinto

Intense Butoh workshop with Tadashi Endo and Marigia MaggipintoStart Friday, Dec. 03, 2021 End…

HAUTNAH performance with Tadashi Endo and Günter „Baby“ Sommer (perc)

Saturday, Nov. 13, 2021 at 08:00p.m. Butoh Centrum MAMU, Geismar Landstr. 95 , 37083…

Weekend-Workshop 12.-14. NOVEMBER with Tadashi Endo and Günter „Baby“ Sommer (perc)

weekend workshop with Tadashi Endo and Günter „Baby“ Sommer (perc)Start Friday, Nov. 12 End Sunday…

Tadashi Endo interviewed on television cultural channel Itaú Cultural.

2 Interview with Tadashi Endo and television cultural channel Itaú Cultural (Márcia Abos) in…

Butoh-Workshop 04.-13. DECEMBER

04th - 13nth of december 2020 the first Butoh-Workshop at the Butoh-Centrum Göttingen after the…