SASAYAKI - FROM A WHISPER TO CRY SASAYAKI - FROM A WHISPER TO CRY A Butoh dance theatre piece from and with Tadashi Endo and three international dancers.Event details:Start dateApril 13, 2022 8:00 pmEnd dateApril 13, 2022Venue:VenueJunges Theater Goettingen, GermanyAddressHospitalstr. 6CityGöttingenPostal code37073CountryGermanyWebsitewww.junges-theater.deOrganizer details:OrganizerGabriele EndoPhone+49(0) Related Project-workshop with final performance at the vernissage of the exhibition “Poesie und Apokalypse”, Germany SOLO performance with photos by Maciej Rusinek, Café Montez Frankfurt am Main, Germany Congress of Butoh Souls at Sotheby’s Maison, Hong Kong ANKOKU (Darkness / Finsternis) Variations on SHINKAI NO TAMASHII, Frankfurt am Main, Germany ANKOKU (Darkness / Finsternis) Variations on SHINKAI NO TAMASHII, Frankfurt am Main, Germany Intense Butoh Workshop in Göttingen, Germany Intense Butoh Workshop in Göttingen, Germany SHINKAI NO TAMASHII (Souls in the sea), Goettingen, Germany SHINKAI NO TAMASHII (Souls in the sea), Goettingen, Germany SHINKAI NO TAMASHII (Souls in the sea), Kassel, Germany