MA shows pictures of changes.
MA dances the circulation of univesal history.
MA makes the unvisible visible.
MA invites you to your inner emptyness.
MA fills your soul with a deep satisfaction.
MA is the synonym for the space between the things.
In the Butoh-MA the eye turns from the outside world to the inner world.
Tadashi Endo’s life may be MA. The first half of his life he lived in Japan, the second half in Europe. His feelings for Japan are divided into sympathy and rejection, but his roots are coming out of the Japanese culture, although his life as an artist started in Europe. His dance is like a hiking on the edge between Japan and Europe. He is dancing the thirst for love and metamorphosis.
Tadashi Endo’s dance is an expression of his experiences as child, adult and father.
To live sadness and happiness right now.
Past – present – hope – future.
Having the experience of all of these in one hour – that is MA
Standing time – everlasting time.
This solo was created in 1991. It was a big success in Japan. Kazuo Ohno, the great Butoh-master and teacher of Tadashi Endo, was so fascinated, that he came to watch this solo twice. Kazuo Ohno said that Tadashi Endo is a dancer with a very extraordinary expression and intensity in his movements. There are very few dancers, whose dance ever touched him so deeply.
The actual version of MA was premiered in Paris and it was a great success. Today Tadashi Endo already performed it in Brasil (Fortaleza, Campinas, Sao Paolo) Argentina (Cordoba) and was invited to the Festival d’Avignon and Edinburgh Fringe.